Blackpool Conservatives have questioned the homeless figures for Blackpool when their Leader Cllr. Tony Williams was informed by the Chief Executive that there were only approximately 15 real homeless people in Blackpool.
Cllr. Williams responded 'Regardless of the reasons why people find themselves homeless in what is supposed to be Europe's most popular tourist destination, they still need help and support and we believe not enough is being done'.
Cllr. Williams went on to say 'I don't want to bring politics or party blaming into the situation. This is about people's lives and their circumstances. That's why we are joining forces with the many volunteers who work with destitute people to arrange an accurate headcount of homeless people in the Town. Once we have a more accurate number and some background as to why they are sleeping in derelict buildings and on the streets, we can then focus our energy in trying to get more substantial help and support by our own individual involvement and service partners. The added benefit of getting people back on track is that we will be able to identify fake beggars from those in genuine need more accurately and name and shame them'.
What Gets Measured - Gets Done
If the council can't or won't do more about this increasing problem then it’s up to my colleagues in partnership with those in the volunteer system and existing service partners to try and help both destitute people to get back on track and also help clean up the town.
There is a lot that happens around the world we cannot control. We cannot stop earthquakes, we cannot prevent droughts, and we cannot prevent all conflict, but when we know where the hungry, the homeless and the sick exist, then we can help.
Who are we as human beings if we ignore the suffering of others.
Cllr. Tony Williams